Flu Season Is (Still) Upon Us

It is December, the stores are filled with Christmas decorations and it is 70 degrees outside…. in Chicago… seriously. As a result, there are a lot of germs lingering around due to the unusually warm  temperatures and couples need to take a lot of precautions not to wake up on their wedding day with the full-blown flu.

This would be a really good time to get a flu shot if you can. Some people have never gotten one and some people always get one. Don’t take any chances and get one this year… you  won’t regret it. Do this at least two weeks before the wedding.

You absolutely must take action at the first symptom to avoid being passed out from cold medication or doubled over in the restroom with intestinal pain during your wedding and reception. Waiting too long to call the doctor can hasten your recovery or worse, lead to complications. People actually die from the flu…. no joke, it is dangerous!!!

Sore Throat/Cough –Drink warm tea with honey or lemon. I swear by  Limoncello. A shot of limoncello in a cup of tea might not be such a bad idea, either. It is important to do something immediately about this. A  sore throat or even a tickle is a sign that something is amiss in your immune system.

Runny Nose/ Sneezing/Sniffles – This is a sign you are probably coming down with a cold. Take what you normally take for a cold, and  do whatever it takes to enjoy your day. If you have a hard time taking medicine, use Cold-Eze, Airborne, or anything with zinc, echinacea, vitamin C, garlic or honey. Keep saline spray and use it often to avoid sneezing. Stay hydrated to avoid exhaustion, Gatorade, G2 and water. Make sure you have kleenex on hand and if you must sneeze; sneeze into your elbow, not your hands!

Upset stomach – Stress is the #1 cause of stomach upset. If you have a mild upset stomach, avoid eating too much of anything. Ginger Ale is recommended because of the Ginger. However, Green tea or any tea made with chamomile, ginger, mint or cinnamon is preferred.  If your upset stomach is due to something more serious like a stomach virus, you will need to bring out the big guns. Call your doctor immediately and tell him/her your dilemma. Avoid soda, alcohol and sweets to give your stomach time to rest.

Sinus/Allergy problems – If you are prone to sinus or allergy problems you will want to prepare well ahead of your wedding. Hot compresses on your face will open things up as well as a steamy shower. If you belong to a gym that has  a steam room – now is the time to use it. Keep a saline spray on hand but try not to over-indulge, it is not a permanent solution.

The worst thing that can happen is to become seriously ill the day before (or the day of) your wedding.  The weeks, days leading up to your wedding are when you are the most busy and the most susceptible to viruses. Keep your hands washed, drink a lot of fluids and if you feel the slightest bug coming on – call your doctor!

-Penny Frulla for Bridal Expo Chicago

Winter Bridal Shower Ideas

Winter has become  a very popular time for weddings and as a result, bridal showers. Hosting a bridal shower right before (during) or after the holiday season can present some challenges but, with a little planning and inspiration the end result will be a fabulous, festive gathering of warmth and love.

Remember, there are a ton of great ideas available without breaking the bank:

All White gives a wintry feel. Using different textures and shapes of all white flowers will add depth to the tablescape and no color is needed, except maybe a splash of silver!
Hot Chocolate Bar with various toppings and flavors will warm up your guests in no time. Cinnamon, marshmallows, vanilla, and maybe even a splash of something intoxicating will make a cocoa buffet your guests will literally drool over.
Hot Chocolate Bar
Recapture your youth with an indoor S’mores bar made by using sterno and rocks displayed in the center of a delightful marshmallow, chocolate and graham cracker buffet. 
s'mores bar!
Festive Desserts like Snowflake cookies, cupcakes, cake pops and holiday inspired dessert tables make a big impact.
Winter Candyland Party Desserts

cookiesBridgey Widgey: Winter Dessert Table
Don’t forget the invitations. There are literally thousands of winter themed ideas to compliment the invitation and they don’t have to reflect any particular holiday …at all.
Winter Bridal Shower InvitationsBridal Shower Invite
-Penny Frulla for Bridal Expo Chicago

Manicure Madness!!!

A good manicure improves the health and texture of your hands and fingernails, helps prevent hangnails and snagged cuticles and the accompanying hand massage improves circulation. The word manicure itself is derived from the Latin word ‘manus’ which means hands and ‘cure’, which means …..cure. In recent years, the mani/pedi spa has been favorite of brides and bridesmaids for a bit of indulgence and relaxation. But, what about grooms?

You can’t spell manicure without  ‘MAN” so why don’t most men understand they could greatly benefit from a good manicure? Whether they want a polish, simple buff or clean up the cuticles, grooms around the globe are starting to understand that it is about looking and feeling your best from head to toe.

French Manicures are by far the most popular manicure style for weddings. It is elegant, universal, classic and goes with everything from a denim skirt to a bridal gown. Clear or nail-colored nail polish is applied on the body of the nail and pure white nail polish at the tips of nails. The nails are shaped round, oval or square as desired. This can be done with your own natural nails or with any kind of artificial nail tip or overlay.

Natural looking nails are also very popular with brides. A muted shade of peach or pink is used, whichever color matches your natural nail bed. The natural nail is polished and groomed to perfection before the polish goes on.. Your nails will not stand out but you will notice the difference in how finished they look. This kind of polish effect really only works with natural nails but, it is very organic and understated.



 Even if you decide to go with the simplest manicure, this one beauty treatment is a must for both bride and groom since your photographer will probably want to get a close-up of your hands with wedding rings.


-Penny Frulla For Bridal Expo Chicago

Adding Up The Add-ons: The Dangers of Hidden Fees

When you plan your wedding budget there are dozens of factors that can increase your costs and before you know it, your $30,000 budget is now $10,000 over.  Not planning for extras and add-ons can put you into a deficit quicker than you think.

1) Remember to take your time into consideration. For instance, if you will have to take time off from work to handle fittings, tastings or sign contracts and will not get paid for the time off; you have just ‘spent’ money by not earning it.

2) When looking online at pricing, the numbers can be deceiving. $35 per person sounds like a great price for a reception until you realize that doesn’t include an entree, a napkin or a fork. Make sure the price is for a complete meal.

3) One of the biggest costs is for alcohol, so some couples try to sidestep this  and be thrifty by providing their own alcohol and bartender (an option at some reception venues). This will save you very little money. Between corkage fees and the retail costs of alcohol, you would be wiser to offer an open bar and not use top shelf  liquor… or limit it to just wine and beer.

4) When buying your wedding gown, ask about the cost of alterations up front. Just as the salon will make you sign a contract agreeing  to purchase the gown, pay the 1/2 deposit and the balance when the gown arrives – you should require the salon to give you an alterations quote in writing. A good place for this is on your receipt.  Expert alterations can cost hundreds of dollars.

5) The cake is another quagmire. Having a wedding cake large enough to slice off a piece for 200 guests is costly and can be difficult to maneuver. Consider having a smaller (more manageable) wedding cake for the cake cutting and having your baker make sheet cakes of the same exact cake and frosting  to serve to guests.

6) Speaking of cake, check  this out: Cake cutting fees can be as much as $3.50 per slice.  This is just the fee that the reception site charges to cut your cake, put it on a plate and serve it. Add this onto the cost of the cake and you could increase the cake budget by 50% or more. Consider the options of mini cakes or cupcakes to serve to guests. Cupcake bakeries are super chic right now so why not get in on the fun?

7) Service professionals often rely on tips. If it is not added into your total automatically,  make sure you allow for this at the end of the event.

Overall it is estimated that individual wedding costs increase by 25% from the original quote. In order to avoid this happeneing to you… don’t forget to factor tax, tips, add-ons and fees into your budget and make sure you get everything in writing!

-Penny Frulla for Bridal Expo Chicago






Planning A Balloon Release? Think Twice

I remember when I was a kid and I got a  helium balloon, I thought it was  the coolest thing ever. Then, mylar balloons came out in the late 1970’s and that was definitely the coolest thing…. ever! In the 1980’s people were doing massive balloon releases at weddings  and it looked so cool- all of those balloons going up at the same time! But, the 90’s hit with a eco-fervor (for me) and I started to ask “What happens to all this stuff after they land?” The answer is not  good. Maybe this is why balloon releases are out of fashion –  for good reason.

1) Bad for the environment. Although it is true that latex is a natural resource coming from rubber trees, it takes a long time to break down into the environment and can cause a lot of damage ( to various species) during that time.

2) Mylar is metalicized polyester and even worse- it conducts electricity. No real good reason to take part in this debacle.

3) Helium shortage – True. There is only a limited supply of helium on this planet and once it’s gone…it’s gone. Unless you want to go to Pluto.

4) Allergies. In case you haven’t heard of this;  there are people allergic to latex….. there are a lot of people allergic to latex. So many, that schools have signs stating that balloons are not permitted.

5) Chinese lanterns have the same impact, maybe worse.

In lieu of releasing dozens ( or hundreds) of toxic balloons into the environment, try these more organic alternatives:

Release trained doves– There are reputable facilities around the country that offer the release of doves. These birds are trained to return to the facility; no matter where the birds are released they will fly back home. No harm is done to the birds or their wild relatives.

Blowing bubbles– Blowing bubbles is always fun; watching them bounce around towards the sky and twist with the wind. It also requires you to exhale and breathe.

Although it is still perfectly legal and somewhat socially acceptable to release balloons, lanterns and other non-organic components into the environment in some areas, there are some cities and states that have already banned this activity.  Think about it, do some research and decide if it is really worth it for you before you sign up for a balloon release.


-Penny Frulla for Bridal Expo Chicago


Fashionably Warm Brides – Winter Is Coming

Winters in Chicago can be brutal and most wedding gowns are bare on top. Even if there is a lace bodice and sleeve, there is no way to stay warm unless you wear a coat. Instead of ruining a  beautiful wedding gown look with a down parka, this is an opportunity to make a really bold fashion statement with a Bridal Coat, Cape or Jacket. Oddly enough, most salons don’t carry bridal coats and most designers focus on the gown so much, they forget the shivering masses.

If you can’t find a wedding coat that suits you, don’t despair – there are options available. The reality is that your legs will probably stay warm with petticoats, stockings and the gown over all of it. Focus on your arms and chest area and remember that the fabric will play an important role in your warmth. Satin gloves and capes are beautiful in photos but, do little to keep you warm. Wool, velvet, cashmere, angora, and faux fur will be comfortable, warm and stylish!

Consider a faux fur jacket like this one from DKNY

Or if the weather is not severely cold, maybe a bolero will work. Remember Kate Middleton? Her simple Angora bolero kept her warm and fuzzy in chilly ( but not freezing) temperatures.

Capes are good, if you can find one. Unfortunately they are few and far between.  A good place to start would be Etsy, where there are some very stylish capes available.

1940s Hollywood Glamour White Cape w/ Fur Mink Tails

 Don’t forget the gloves. Fuzzy, knit gloves in many colors can also help the bridesmaids look and feel great!   

It has been said that ‘Beauty is Pain’. However, the truth is that pain is unnecessary and beauty actually is “In the eye of the beholder”. Find something that you love, that keeps you warm and you will be able to enjoy your wedding day in style.

-Penny Frulla for Bridal Expo Chicago

Politically Friendly Weddings

Supposedly, there are two things you don’t discuss at family gatherings; politics and religion. In truth, putting politics aside for one night might not be an option when the bride is a blue-dog-Democrat and the groom is a dyed-in-the-wool  Republican….and we are three days away from a major (presidential) election!

Given the current political climate where so many unflattering distinctions are made between left and right, red state and blue state, conservative and liberal, it is kind of fun to peek into how bipartisan couples make their celebrations come together without tearing them apart.

So how does a couple of differing political backgrounds and views put their differences aside for a night of revelry? It is a lot easier than you think.

Spotlight –Bring it out in the open. Without condescension or trivialization, openly address the situation. Have a  Election-themed affair with Donkey and Elephant favors at each table. Instead of numbering the tables, name them after your favorite politicians  of each party and mix it up. Put Republicans at the Clinton table and Democrats at the Reagan table. If you really want to have some fun,  how about large cut-outs of current and former candidates and let guests take photos with them…. just like on the street corners in Washington DC.

Seating Chart – As nice as it is to think that everyone will put their differences aside for one night, they won’t. Think about this when doing your seating chart. Unfortunately this means more work for the couple but, it will be worth it to make sure Aunt Sarah doesn’t go off on a Social Security rant to one of your dearest friends. We all have that one relative or friend who thinks their opinion matters more than everyone else… and they think they are much smarter, as well. Put them where they will cause the least damage!

Edit – Ask anyone giving toast or speeches to make sure they keep it light and fun. This is a great time to jab but, no name calling. Remember that humor goes along way… think of the White House correspondent’s dinner. If you have any doubts, ask an impartial (third party, if you will) person to take a look at what your speakers have to say.

Discuss –Talk to both of your families as a couple, at the same time if possible. Sit them down and tell them that you would like for them to behave for one evening and leave the Obama-care discussions for later. Explain  that they have a lifetime to blame Bush (or Clinton) for the current economic debacle but for tonight they need to check all snyde comments and opinions at the door.

Change –Don’t try to change everyone’s opinion to suit yours. Don’t marry someone thinking you will change their political views and don’t presume that your family will change theirs  either. Accept the differences and move on.

Topics to avoid are healthcare, immigration, and scandal, as each party is equally prone to having skeletons in their closet. For every John Edwards there is an Arnold Schwarzenegger so be careful when opening that door as it is not an easy one to close.

 There are many couples of opposite political views who make it work nicely without sacrificing their opinions. James Carville and Mary Matalin are two of the most opinionated political advisors of different parties and they have had a very successful marriage.

Now, if  politicians could only learn to play nice, we might get something done.  Maybe we should ask Mitt Romney and Barack Obama to plan an entire wedding……. without the help of their wives!

Penny Frulla for Bridal Expo Chicago

Horror Stories – Wedding Style

For most people, planning any event  can bring on nightmares of showing up in your underwear and all kinds of other things that probably won’t happen.  When planning a wedding, this can easily be magnified by the size of the event and level of stress you are able to handle. And if your imagination is vivid enough you will imagine fires being set by candles, gobs of food staining your bridal gown, the groom passing out, and some other equally horrific events. The truth is that some of your worst nightmares can come true if you don’t plan ahead.

ZOMBIE BRIDE – Not getting enough sleep, dirnking too much alcohol or caffeine or Red Bull can temporarily affect the way you look. To avoid dark circles, use the days leading up to your wedding to relax and implement healthier eating.

TEXAS CHAINSAW BRIDE – This is not the day to do a complete makeover. You want to look like a very pretty version of yourself, not a over-processed, over made-up, over-the-top version of yourself. If you look into the mirror and don’t think you look like yourself, you might want to tone it down a bit – leave the big hair to the Texas beauty pageants.

JACK O’ LANTERN BRIDE – Spray tans and self tans can turn out the be the wrong color for your skin and there is very little you can do to fix it at the last minute. Don’t experiment with a new bronzer on the day of your wedding, either. Orange is perfect for Pumpkins but not so much for bridal photos.

BRIDE OF DRACULA  – What makes a great photo? A great smile! Even Dracula knows that yellow teeth can ruin the best outfit. 

DISAPPEARING BRIDE – To be early is to be on time, to be on time is to be late. Plan ahead, traffic and construction can give you a migraine on the day of your event!

No matter what your worst nightmare may be, planning ahead and attending one of our Luxury  Bridal Expos will help you avoid the horrors of wedding planning.

-Penny Frulla for Bridal Expo Chicago





Modern Cinderella – It’s All About The Shoe

If you missed it, Disney just re-released Cinderella on Blu-ray DVD.  This quintessential fairy tale originally brought to life by Walt Disney in 1950 is more popular than ever… not so much because women are looking for the perfect man to rescue them from their humdrum lives but,  because the modern Cinderella continues the quest for the perfect shoe!!!

Even better, Disney partnered with shoe design guru, Christian Louboutin to bring the famed glass slipper to life. The Louboutin version is made of netting instead of glass for obvious reasons but the sparkling Swarovski crystals remind you of the delicate and reflective nature of glass. You will have a hard time finding them since there are only 20 pair of these remarkable shoes being made and are being ‘given away’ in various Disney promotions around the globe.

As if that is not enough,  Christian Louboutin (himself) makes his acting debut in a short film entitled “The Magic of the Glass Slipper: A Cinderella Story ” which is a bonus feature on the recent re-released DVD. The story is cute, sweet, simple and very short. I won’t spoil it but, you can watch it here:


Congratulations Mr. Louboutin for a job well done, Walt Disney himself would be proud!

Feeling like Cinderella and can’t find the right sparkly shoe to fit your budget or your sole? Princess Bridal Shoes can turn just about any ordinary shoe into a show stopper!



-Penny Frulla for Bridal Expo Chicago