Wedding Planners – To Have And Hold On To

How are you planning on planning your wedding? A simple checklist? A software program? An app for your phone? No matter how you go about it, finding a great system to organzie your wedding plans is one of the single most important things you need to do before you make a list of things to do. The right wedding planner will guide you month-to-month, day-to-day, task-to-task  and help you accomplish every single detail in a timely manner.

From The Knot to Martha Stewart and beyond; almost every wedding expert offers a Wedding Planning Book but, before you run out an buy the first organzier you see-  make sure it meets all of your needs.

A hardbound book looks nice but, a spiral organizer will probably hold together better. Of course another option is an actual binder type organizer that includes pocket folders.

If you are interested in more high tech planning, you may want to try wedding planning online. Today’s brides have access to the same software that wedding professionals use and it can be easier than you think. Some of the benefits include multiple users and (with some programs) being able to access your information from anywhere you  can log on to a computer.


For couples who are serious gadget gurus and constantly on the go, you could try a wedding planning app for your phone. Although many are  geared toward iphones, there are apps available for other phones as well.  Having every detail at your fingertips is a real bonus as well as not having to worry about carrying around a bulky binder.










It doesn’t matter which form of wedding planner you use, as long as you use one. The most important thing is finding one suited to your indivdual lifestyle and needs. Do your research, ask for recommendations from previous brides whose opinion you trust but, make no mistake the one thing you don’t want to skimp on is the thing that will simplify and coordinate all of these complicated  details.

-Penny Frulla for Bridal Expo Chicago