Children In Your Wedding

People have children. Your siblings, your friends, some of them may have children, you may even have your own child. Some people have children before they are married and some people marrying for the second time have several children… remember the Brady Bunch? Including children in your wedding ceremony can make a lovely experience for everyone if handled properly.

Give the children age appropriate tasks. 2 yr olds can be very unpredictable and asking them to do more than carry a basket of flowers or a ring pillow may be beyond their grasp.

Hire someone to help. Check with local elementary or pre-schools to see if any of the teaching aides would be interested in doing some ‘Nanny” duty. The parents may want to actually enjoy themselves and not spend all day worrying if the kids are going to do the right thing. Remember – teachers have been trained how to handle precarious situations and you will need the extra help at  the rehearsal as well as the wedding.

Practice, Practice, Practice. Older children like tweens and teenagers might be able to recite a poem or do a reading. Make sure they attend the rehearsal dinner so you can do a sound check. even the little ones need to practice how to handle their tasks… no matter how simple it seems to you.

Back up Plan. Kids of school age are notorious for bringing home every germ in the world. Be prepared that one of  the kids may come down with pink eye, an ear infection, strep throat or even just a bad case of nerves. These things can throw your plans severely out of whack if you are unprepared.

Remember, they are not small people, they are children. Things that seem simple to you are much harder for them. On top of it, they do not understand the complexity of each and every detail. Sure, they want to be a part of this beautiful thing but can be frightened, nervous and when that happens, mistakes are made. If you are not ready to have a child forget his or her line, drop the basket, spill something (or whatever) then, you probably shouldn’t have children in your wedding.  If you can go with the flow and overlook the tiny obstacles that may lie ahead, you will create a memory that they will share with you for a  lifetime…. not to mention the irresistible photos!

-Penny Frulla for Bridal Expo Chicago

Is Your Luck Good or Bad?

There are so many symbolic things about weddings that if you go culture by culture, every single thing from the ring to the gown can be interpreted as either good luck or bad luck. Take for instance wearing pearls: Said to be bad luck in some cultures since each pearl represents the tears the bride will she during their marriage. Of course another culture sees pearls as good luck since each pearl replaces the tears of the bride leaving her care-free and happy forever. Seriously?  Pearls represent  the beauty of nature and nothing else.

More about  tears – if it rains on your wedding day it is good luck since it washes away all the tears. If it rains on your wedding day it is bad luck, dooming your entire marriage to a deluge of tears. Actually if it rains on your wedding day it is because there is a large amount of condensation in the clouds.

It is bad luck for the bride to make her own wedding gown because every stitch represents a tear (again with the tears). The truth is that it is bad luck for a bride to make her gown because there are a million other wedding  things to do. Plus, sewing, if done properly, is hard work and the fittings are next to impossible on yourself without a dress form that is a perfect match to your body. Making your own dress is a recipe for stress, nothing else.

If the bride or groom drops the wedding ring it is good luck since it shakes off evil spirits. However, if it is dropped by anyone else, they will be the first among you to die.  This is probably why modern ring bearer pillows have long ribbon ties since this is too big a sacrifice for a wedding.

Allegedly, if the mother of the groom throws a shoe at the bride as the couple leaves for their reception, the bride and mother in law will forever be best of friends.  I would have been thrilled if all my mother in law ever threw at me was a shoe! My guess is that if she hits the bride, all bets are off.

The time of day that the couple exchanges vows should be when the clock is moving upward so you are ascending toward heaven. Attention Brides: Move the time of your wedding  from 2 pm  to 2:30 pm. If you only have digital clocks, disregard.

Sharing the same last initial is bad luck. This omen comes with a handy rhyme  “To change the name and not the letter is a change for the worse and not the better.” I personally think it makes things a lot easier; monogrammed towels, stationery, luggage tags,etc.

Last but not least it is considered bad luck for the bride to sign her married name before the wedding. But why would she? Unless you are 12 years old and you are marrying Justin Beiber, scribbling your married name on a binder  “Mrs. Justin Beiber”….nobody does this.

Society is fraught with rules and omens  that no longer have any relevance to modern society. I would bet that 300 years ago  when someone handed the groom a wedding ring, they dropped it was because they were coughing so hard  from the black plague  – of course they were the next to die! OMG nobody touch the ring – you’re all going to die!

I am sure that these explanations and theories made sense at one time but not any more. Get married at 2 pm on a sunny day, drop the ring, make your dress and sign your married name the day before the wedding….just make sure you duck if you see your  mother in law removing her shoe. 

-Penny Frulla for Bridal Expo Chicago